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Mariam17 @mariam1198

À la recherche de l'amour ❤️
À propos de moi
I Want a meaningful, honest relationship with someone who is looking for the same. I want to meet a man that is honest and loving, that appreciates the little things in life. Someone I can put my trust in and share my dreams with, and who feels he can put that same trust in me.
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Ici pour
L'amitié et la communication,
L'amour, les relations,
Le mariage, la création d'une famille,
Voyager ensemble
Je veux rencontrer
I want to meet a man that is honest and loving, that appreciates the little things in life. Someone I can put my trust in and share my dreams with, and who feels he can put that same trust in me. I am a very loving and caring person, and I want someone to give that love to. Although sexual attraction and compatability is important to most men,Its ok with me but I'm not looking for a hookup or a booty call. I want something deeper than that. I want a friend and companion that wants to cultivate a lasting relationship
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